Canary Riverside contacts
Postcode for satnav: E14 8RH (Westferry Circus)
Belgrave Court: 36 Westferry Circus, London E14 8RJ/8RL. Concierge telephone: 020 7516 0106 email click here. Concierges: Martin Aherne and Cordayne Wander.
Berkeley Tower: 48 Westferry Circus, London E14 8RP. Concierge telephone: 020 7516 0104 email: click here. Concierges: Leticia Lulini and Alassana (Sana) Djalo.
Eaton House: 38 Westferry Circus, London E14 8RN. Concierge telephone: 020 7516 0105 email: click here. Concierges: Sanna Jallow and Ocean Cookhorn
Hanover House: 32 Westferry Circus, London E14 8RH. Concierge telephone: 020 7516 0102 email: click here. Concierges: Richard Harmon and Muhammed Midlaj.
Estate Manager: click here to email Ronnie McCarthy.
Security office: telephone 020 7516 0103
Car park: located on Westferry Road underneath Westferry Circus. Accessed from Westferry Road and Hertsmere Road.
Unfortunately there is no free visitor parking available, and visitors by car to Canary Riverside will need to use the pay and display part of the car park. If visiting Hanover or Berkeley it is best to park close to the car park entrance. The entrance doors to Hanover are on your left and Berkeley on your right (back to the car park entrance). If visiting Belgrave or Eaton, it is best to park towards the rear of the car park. The entrance doors to Belgrave are at the back left corner of the car park, and Eaton's doors on the right.
plan of car park layout SHOWING entrances to buildings. car park entrance is on the right
The Canary Wharf car park with direct access to the shops, restaurants and offices at Canary Wharf is also accessed via Westferry Road, and details can be found here.
Contact RACR:
Managing Agent
Parkgate Aspen, Wilberforce House
Station Road
London NW4 4QE
Tel: 020 8732 8888
Email: Jaime Rodas