Rotherhithe Bridge - Consultation ends January 8th 2018

Transport for London are consulting on their proposal to build a cycle & pedestrian bridge connecting Canary Wharf to Rotherhithe.  In order to accommodate the majority of river traffic without the need to raise the bridge, it will need to be at an elevated height (20m above the highest tide), necessitating raised entry/exit ramps and very large support pillars.  

Three options are being considered in respect of locating the bridge.  All stand to have a significant impact on Canary Riverside residents, particularly those in flats with south-facing river views.  The Westferry Circus option would result in a loss of privacy for flats closest to the bridge - see photos below - and all three would affect residents' views, increase light pollution and noise disturbance.  

We ask that residents visit the Cross the River website to find out more information about the bridge. The site has been created by local residents who are campaigning for an enhanced ferry service as an alternative to the bridge.  We ask our residents to support the ferry option and oppose the bridge plans, for the reasons set out on the Cross the River website.  

Please let your views be known by taking part in TfL's consultation on the bridge.  You have until January 8th to do so.

If you would like to find out more and/or become involved with the Cross the River campaign, please contact them via their Facebook group or email them at
