Section 20ZA dispensation application - update
/The First Tier Tribunal (FTT) has said that it will consider the S20ZA application to renew electricity meters at Canary Riverside on 4th and 5th April 2017, when it will also be considering variations to the Management Order. A report setting out further details on the S20ZA proposals will be made available at the end of February.
Lessees may be aware of the metering problems at a neighbouring estate, One West India Quay, which has resulted in estimated utilities bills being levied for the past six years. The reasonableness of these charges was challenged by a lessee at the FTT and an appeal was recently heard in the Upper Tribunal. The FTT had found that, in the event of breakdown in the reliability of meter readings it was permissible for a reasonable estimate of usage to be substituted for accurate meter readings. The Upper Tribunal upheld this decision, and summary of their decision can be found here.